19th Central and Eastern European Proteomic Conference

Pictures from previous conferences


19th CEEPC Registration Form

Participation at the 19th CEEPC is free for scientists, but only registered participants can take part at the meeting. In case of over-superscription (which is likely) the organizers retain the right to reject people who applied. The organizers may also ask the applicants for a CV and/or letter of support from a prominent scientist.

Every participant has to fill a registration form!
Registration deadline 1st June, 2025.
Note that, you can modify or submit your abstract by 15th July, 2025. You will be informed about its acceptance by the 30th July, 2025.

I want to participate (please choose)

My personal details:

First name(s):  
Family name:  
Retype E-mail: 
I wish to present (please choose)
Abstract:  (Please upload MSWord file using the following template: abstract template.docx)

Optional programs:

Get-together Party (free for accepted participants): 14th Oct, 2025, 18:00-20:00
Conference Dinner: (ca. 50 EUR, details will be given later) Tuesday, Oct 16th, 19:00- 22:00

Please write your comments or requests here:

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I have read and agree to the Terms, Conditions and Privacy Policy  

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